“Difficult. Very difficult. Plenty of courage, I see. Not a bad mind, either. There's talent, oh yes. And a thirst to prove yourself. But where to put you?” It’s a little-known fact that all four Hogwarts houses are equally good at jigsaw puzzles. Gryffindorsstart with the edges, obviously. Ravenclawstake a logical approach, and sort the pieces by colour. Slytherinsrace to finish first, no matter what, while Hufflepuffsjust like to frame their puzzles on the walls after. No matter where you’re sorted, you’re guaranteed to love putting together this officially licensed 500-piece puzzle bearing the four house animals: the lion, the serpent, the raven and the badger. Featuring unique artwork and a sharp, vibrant art style, witches and wizards of all four Hogwarts houses can agree that such an eye-catching design is worthy of hanging in any Grand Staircase or Common Room -but we can’t promise you’ll agree on where to put it!

SKU 5036905039574
Model # WM00369-ML1-6
Barcode # 5036905039574
Brand Winning Moves
Shipping Weight 0.5000kg
Assembled Length 0.330m
Assembled Height 0.038m
Assembled Width 0.006m

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