The new shonen action manga from the creator of Magi is here! Musashi is a teenager living under demon rule. As children, he and his best friend made a promise: to become the greatest warriors in the world and overthrow the demons. But life intervenes, and five years later, he finds himself about to become a miner. Yet can Musashi truly be satisfied with a "normal" life?


The Obsidian Eight have succeeded in pulling off their master stroke, the Great Chain. As the Dark Demon God expands to fill the entire sky, an endless night descends upon the Land of the Setting Sun, and people begin displaying strange symptoms. All of humanity’s hopes now lie in the hands of an estranged group of friends...the Five Heroic Generals!

SKU 9798888770603
Model # 9798888770603
Barcode # 9798888770603

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