The voice from beyond the veil...

In the gaslit splendor of late-19th-century New York, rage builds inside 14-year-old Daphne. The sudden death of her father has left her alone with her grief-stricken mother. Emotionally adrift and living outside her means, the widow becomes easy prey for a group of occultists promising to contact her dead husband.

While fighting to disentangle her mother from these charlatans, Daphne experiences a genuine supernatural encounter--a strange, insidious presence in her own body. "Brother," a charming entity with unspeakable appetites, visits her in her dreams and whispers in her ear. Soon, Daphne is sharing his terrifying power.

A demon? A ghost? Her own hallucination? Daphne can't be sure what Brother is or what he wants. And even if she knew, could she stop him? Would she want to?

An unsettling, blood-soaked tale from writer Laura Marks (The Good Fight) and artist Kelley Jones (BatmanThe Sandman), Daphne Byrne is part of DC's smash-hit Hill House Comics library, curated by Joe Hill (NOS4A2Locke & Key). Collects the full six-issue miniseries as well as commentary and behind-the-scenes artwork.

SKU 9781779504654
Model # 9781779504654
Barcode # 9781779504654

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